Liza's Story Part 6
The story continues with the absurd and tragic corn grinder in an almost unbelievable way. Read more about why Liza was often called the White Raven? Why does a field pear tree become the essential one in Cherry Blossom Farm? What memories Elizabeth had of her mother among step-parents and siblings. Our little Cindarella had a real servant's role this time in a true story. Who among the characters helps her as much as possible.

In 1925, he lost this sister, the last member of his immediate family, who was struck to death by what to today's reader seems a strange thing, but a falling off a wall of corncobs. And the nonsense did not end there! For the widowed husband's heart was literally broken and he died in agony! They were buried together, and the case was very famous at the time!
Now the orphaned Lacika and Elisabeth were brought together to their uncle's house in Vajta near Paks, whose wife Juliska was originally a teacher. The couple (Julia and István), being childless, practically adopted them. The little girl's orphaned heart, though terribly aching, knew that she could no longer behave like a child. She served the family, her three cousins and her uncle, who sometimes treated her very badly.He had an adult cousin, but she ignored him, and his aunt was the only one who tried to guide his physical and mental development with her skilful pedagogy. But there was something very special, a "white raven" so to speak, about little Elizabeth, which she did not want to show to people, but which somehow made her stand out!This was most evident in her aversion to the mundane world of everyday life, which made her more and more determined to serve the Lord as soon as she grew up. But what she did not know at that time was how this was possible!
According to the Spiritual Diary, the Lord later admonished Elizabeth. Remember! There were always people around you who saw the extraordinary nature of your life and the value of your struggles. One of your acquaintances called you a white raven, and there were many who, in spite of all your ignorance, considered This was most evident in his aversion to the everyday mundane world, which made her more and more determined to serve the supreme God as he grew up. What she did not know at the time was how this was possible!? According to the Spiritual Diary, the Lord would later admonish Elizabeth: "The struggles of your life have been according to God's plan from your earliest years. Remember! You have always been surrounded by people who saw the extraordinary nature of your life and the value of your struggles. One of your acquaintances called you a white raven, and there were many who, in spite of all your ignorance, considered you an extraordinary child (...) But let this not make you proud. Beware!" (III/145)
In the light of the above, it is understandable that little Elizabeth, although obedient, hard-working and kind-hearted, was a withdrawn and difficult child. The fact that when her aunt sewed a skirt and blouse for her to wear to school, Liza thanked her but refused to wear it until she gave it to a very poor schoolmate, is proof of her very individual approach. This, obviously, must have displeased her aunt, but she respected the decision of the little "white raven", who preferred to wear her only "glott" cape as a long dress, which had been given to her by her mother!In my uncle's family, we only ate together on holidays. In the summer, this was not such a problem for her, because as soon as she could she would retreat under the field pear tree (II/23) and there she could satisfy her ravenous hunger! He pondered how abundantly the old tree shed its sweet fruit, happy and unhappy, bird and wasp alike. And Elizabeth was unhappy, for she would fain have run out of the world, straight to God, to serve Him and Him alone! Sometimes, in this state of mind, she smelled a wonderful fragrance that encouraged her.

Elizabeth finished her four elementary schools around 1927-28, and on the advice of her aunt, she also attended a 'farmer's school', where she received training in cooking, money management and social behaviour. But none of this made any difference to her life as, in addition to the constant restlessness of her soul, the constant moving of her family made her life a miserable one. They moved from Cseresznyéspuszta to Vajta, then to Kisvárda, until they moved to the Teleki tér area in Pest!