Liza's Story Part 3


The word pandemic has obviously taken on a new meaning in recent years. But what was it like to experience something similar at the beginning of the 20th century? We also find out how little Elizabeth listened to the religious lessons, and what were the problems she was particularly indignant about?

By the time Elizabeth came back to Pest to enrol in primary school, hardly any of her siblings were alive. Nine died in the "Spanish" flu epidemic, one died of diphtheria, and one died in an accident, leaving only her eldest sister Gizella and her dear mother alive. She started her schooling at the elementary school (later called Pannonia Street) while the Wekerle estate's construction still were in progress . He was a very good pupil, except for his grades in religion and behaviour.

In religion, two questions caused him mental struggles. The first question of the catechism; "for what end do we live on earth?" He was unable to fully formulate the answer to this, as he could not comprehend how it was possible to "serve God" when the human eye could not see it. His second struggle came from the fact that the biblical story of Abraham and Isaac came at the end of the hour, just as God was asking for Isaac's sacrifice. This kept the little girl awake because she thought, "I don't need a God who asks a father to kill his only son". She did not tell anyone about it, she became silent and sick. Her poor mother did not know what had happened to her daughter. Weeks later, little Liza managed to talk to the priest of the main parish, who finally put it right that it was only a test from God and that Isaac was very much alive, so a great nation had come from him!