The Flame of Love : A Beacon of Hope in November

Although the chill of November doesn't set in yet, we are reminded of the importance of warmth this time. I am thinking not only of the warmth and light of the harvest and winter-themed candles, but also of the flames lit by our prayers. Flames not just for ourselves, but to the other souls. In November particularly for the souls of Purgatory who await their journey home. Let's gather this month in spirit to light the flame of love through our prayers.
Wrapped in the love of our prayers, our brothers and sisters in need can feel comfort and relief. But through our prayers we can share with them the burdens that divine justice rightly places on them, and help them to lay them down as soon as possible. Our prayers are acts of love, giving our energy and time to others. But this is doubly returned. Through these prayers, the souls who have passed from a state of purification to Heaven are coming to the aid of all mankind through their newly acquired intercessory abilities. This is, in fact, love of neighbor in two ways. By these prayers we are fostering a profound spiritual connection between souls on earth, in purgatory and in heaven.
Throughout November, let us remember the importance of our prayers. Together, let us keep spreading the Flame of Mary's Immaculate Heart so that November is more alive than ever!

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed are Thou among women and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, spread the effect of the grace of your flame of love over all of humanity now and at the hour of our death.
The Virgin Mary said:
"Include this request in the Hail Mary: spread the effect of the grace of your Flame of Love over all of humanity! (IV/36) I give you the grace that whenever you invoke my Flame of Love and recite three Hail Marys in my honor, one soul will be released from the purgatory." (II/16)
And in the month of the dead, multitude of souls are released from the purgatory by therecitation of a single Hail Mary.II/15-16)