In the Flame of Love spirituality we are invited to experience full unity with God in our daily lives, in a somewhat different perspective. Similar to the Sacred Heart devotion, this reopens our eyes to already known but forgotten aspects. In addition to personal growth in relationship with God, the prayers here have extraordinary intercessory power for others.
The Flame of Love is based on the Spiritual Diary of Elisabeth Kindellman, approved (besides many other bishops) by Cardinal Peter Erdő, Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest, Primate of Hungary, at Budapest, the birthplace of this devotion. At the time of imprimatur, in 2009., Cardinal Erdő was the President of the Council of Episcopal Conferences of Europe. Pope Francis gave a special apostolic blessings to this movement.
How does intercessory prayer work?
Intercessory prayer has a special "mechanism of action". Have we ever wondered how this is actually possible? We might ask, for example, why anyone needs intercession, why God does not hear prayers from that person, or - if that person refuses to pray, for example - what logic could there be for one prayer to work for another? Does this not go against free will?
God's heart is greatly grieved that many are not open to conversion. Here grace runs into walls. This is where the special, gently intrusive nature of intercessory prayer comes into play for me. In fact, this is where it all clicked for me, that extra help. It's the Heavenly Father's trick for those who resist. As I mentioned about Mary, we, humans are not bound by the free will of our fellow man. Although there are many negative sides to this, here comes the positive one. If the other rejects the graces of his own accord, he does not give room to the inner life of God within himself. Satan roams around like a roaring lion to devour souls. But intercession is the loophole, when we pray, the grace at work in us makes Jesus present around the person. Again, by grace God is made alive in us. Because we are connected to humanity by invisible spiritual threads, Jesus can make his presence felt around the person we pray for, even if that person does not approach us on his own. The simultaneous presence of God and Satan excludes the other. The evil one is paralysed, unable to suggest, to tempt. This is what the Love Flame Diary calls the blinding of Satan. Thus, although we are not respecting the free will of the person concerned, we are doing him good. We can do it, we are not bound by the divine law of man's free choice, his free will. And that effect, the effect of the living Christ radiating through us, will be felt by the other person, slowly beginning to warm and hopefully opening up. For me, this is the only approach that works - when it comes to intercession.
Why praying to God is not enough? Why we need intercession?
At the same time, Jesus repeatedly emphasizes the importance of communal prayer, prayer is not a private matter, and the prayer taught by Jesus, the Lord's Prayer, shows this, since we must address the Father in the plural. We are mystically bound together, but that is not surprising, since the God in whom we believe is himself a Community of Love. This spirituality uses intercession in this sense.
The Mother of God, however, is the most powerful intercessor in human relationships, a channel that is fully penetrable in both directions. A crystal-clear way. from our side, she fervently presents our prayers. Even if we do not have the faith of the woman with the hemorrhage in the New Testament. I always imagine Him -while we pray the rosary- praying with us, kneeling in ecstasy. Whether authentic or fake, the image remains clearly in my memory). It is also a unique way of encountering God. We are also helped by a special emotional attachment because we are dealing with a biased loving mother-hearted mediator. We're talking about a mother who has no trace of anger, tiredness, self-pity... in other words, none of the things that make us ordinary parents vulnerable. So we humans can ask her with complete confidence, because she only wants the best for us.
Why Mary? The second most powerful intercessor?
Jesus Christ is constantly interceding for us. He is the God-man, the link between God and humanity. He is our most infinitely powerful mediator, because He is God and Man in one person. It is only because of Christ's redemption that we are able to be reconnected to God as the Creator Father intended.
The Mother of God, however, is the most powerful mediator in "only human" relationships, a channel that is fully penetrable in both directions. A crystal clear way. from our side, she fervently performs our prayers. Even if we do not have the faith of the woman with the hemorrhage in the New Testament. I always imagine Her -while we pray the rosary- praying with us, kneeling in ecstasy. Whether authentic or fake, the image remains clearly in my memory). It is also a unique way of encountering God. We are also helped by a special emotional attachment because we are dealing with a biased loving mother-hearted mediator. We're talking about a mother who has no trace of anger, tiredness, self-pity... in other words, none of the things that make us ordinary parents vulnerable. So we humans can ask her with complete confidence, because she only wants the best for us.
Using Her as a channel, through Her crystal clear person, God can also freely work in our direction... And... the extra bonus is that since Her hand is not bound by man's free will (God cannot force Himself on us by His very nature, however painful) but our relationship with our fellow man is not. Mary, being a creature, even if extra, special, is a creature. So gentle prodding on her part is certainly acceptable. In the same way that we mothers force sweaters on our children in cold weather.
Why is the Mother of God term problematic for some Christians?
Mary is the mother of God. I have recently learned that for Protestantism the very term Mother of God is problematic. Their argument is that Mary is only the mother of Jesus' humanity - not his divinity. In short, this contradicts the dogma that our Protestant brothers and sisters themselves share with us. Namely, that in Jesus humanity and divinity cannot be separated. They form a completely intertwined unity. God-Man. When a heresy began to spread in the 4th century, Nestorians claimed that in Jesus there were two distinctly separate natures, the divine and the human. The Church then initiated the use of the term Mother of God, emphasising Jesus' special, combined but one nature.
What is the Immaculate Conception term means? Most of us don't know.
The Immaculate Conception refers to the immunity of the moment when Mary was conceived. (Not Jesus.)
The heavenly Father, in his providence, gave Mary the gift of salvation, freeing her from original sin, out of time, before the historic event of redemption. She is the first of the second final creation that will come at the end of time. She is truly the second Eve. This is also her present state - perfectly united with God in both soul and body - our hope. This dogma speaks of God's plan, beyond time and space, for the second person, Jesus, to be conceived in a perfectly immaculate human being. It is not because God is picky that the perfect and the imperfect are mutually exclusive.
Private revelation?
The Church investigates all private revelations in great detail before giving its opinion. In addition to a detailed theological analysis, available medical opinions are also sought. Obviously, in older times these were not called by that name, but well-trained experts are able to analyse the credibility of the phenomenon on the basis of similar patterns. The bishop of the diocese must then make a statement. At this stage of the investigation, different official terms are used. The meaning of Nihil Obsat is that there is nothing to object to in principle in the material examined, and Imprimatur means that the writing can be printed and distributed. The Holy Father does not often comment on private revelations and apparitions, even in the case of the very widespread Divine Mercy messages, Pope John Paul II, who is very committed to the cause of revelation, has not officially declared the content of the messages. The Flame of Love Diary first reached Rome in 1973, during the papacy of Paul VI. He forwarded the material to to bishops and gave his blessing to the prayer for the spread of the Flame of Love. Translations of the diary's material began to circulate, particularly rapidly in South America, where it soon received its first Imprimatur. In 1996, Cardinal Bernardino Echeverria Ruíz of Ecuador asked the Synod for the ecclesiastical approval of the Movement. A few years later, Pope Francis also gave his special Apostolic Blessing to the Flame of Love Movement.
Changing the Rosary?
It is understandable that many people are concerned about the issues raised by the Hail Mary. However, it is important to understand that this prayer has undergone countless transformations to take its present form. After reading all this, it is perhaps easier to imagine that Our Lady herself might want to add something to the prayer of adoration of her.She quotes the original verse of greeting Mary, well known from the Bible. This short Hail Mary was made official by Pope Gregory the Great and was prayed as part of a meditative preparation during Advent, meditating on the mysteries of the Syent: "Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art Thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb." This prayer was later almost completely forgotten, and St. Dominic was approached by Mary herself and asked for his help in reviving it. A charming part of the story is that Domonkos would have preferred to present his carefully written meditations to the audience, but the Virgin Mother kindly dissuaded him from this plan and, in a way, this prayer spread again. Later, St Bernardin of Sinai, who spread the veneration of the Holy Name of Jesus, added and spread the novelty of emphasizing the name of Jesus: "...the fruit of thy womb, Jesus". This was finally made official by Pope Urban IV in 12 63. In 1508, during the great epidemics, this addition began to spread: "Our Lady, Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners. To this the Franciscans added: "Now and at the hour of our death." A few years later, Pope Pius V adopted this form of the Hail Mary and included it in the Roman Breviary as an official prayer.
Why from Hungary?
Very briefly, then. The Flame of Love messages were sent to a Hungarian mother in the 1960s.
The messages make very few direct references to Hungary's role, but for those with the background information, it is logical and understandable. The crown Hungary offered to Mary - in fact and in accordance with the law of the time - is a spiritual commitment to the Virgin Mary. In this way, she passed on these messages to those entrusted to her, as a form of queenly care. The messages are addressed to universal humanity. The purpose of the Mother of God is to silently melt even the most distant hearts, for example, she also specifically refers to the unbaptised. She really wants to reach out to the widest possible audience, and as a result, countless countries have responded with great enthusiasm, often greater than we Hungarians. We can feel honoured that the Queen of Heaven has used a specific, dedicated, worldly country for this purpose. Simple logic and wonderful, heart-warming Queen Mother care.
"Saint Stephen has dedicated your country to me, and I have promised to take his and the Hungarian people's request to heart. I want to put a new instrument in your hands. Please accept it with understanding, for my heart looks down on my country with sorrow. [...]"
Is there anything new? Similarities to the Sacred Heart and Divine Mercy Devotion
The Veneration of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, now known to everyone, and the Veneration of Divine Mercy started as similar private revelations. These hve become common. The Sacred Heart is a revelation by Jesus during the Enlightenment. It refocused people's attention on the loving heart of God in an age when reason. Also at that time a special heresy was spreading, which stated God only loves us if we do serious penance.Otherwise there is no hope for a human being. The visions of St Margaret of Alacoque invite us into the innermost world of Jesus. But the holy nun was received with marked mistrust, until a learned Jesuit father was sent to be her spiritual director. You could say that Father Columbiere saved the day. He immediately recognised the authenticity of the messages and it was thanks to him that they began to spread. A similar thing happened with the Divine Mercy messages with St Faustina. The latter was not even allowed to be distributed by the Church for nearly seventy years, until John Paul II took up the matter and the unfortunate mistranslation of the text (the main obstacle to its approval) was corrected by someone. The messages here are clear, God's mercy is paramount, whatever serious sin one has committed, if one approaches it with a repentant spirit, one can be reconciled to God. (The consequences and how to make amends for them is another matter.) The latest prayer to spread at an astonishing rate is the novena of self-surrender. These suggestions come from Father Pio's spiritual director, Father Dolindo. The prayer is essentially an analysis of the line of the Lord's Prayer, "Thy will be done". Jesus speaks to us in an impressive style and with kindness, while asking for the impossible. A typical Jesus, one might say... A wonderful prayer that teaches us to give up our need to plan, the perpetual anxiety that comes with it, to give control of our lives to Him, and then we can finally rest assured that all our affairs are in the best of hands. Well, there is much to practice. So, the very fact that the Lord Jesus, through a particular person, is bringing to mankind the thoughts necessary to affirm the truth of faith - can and does work in everyday life.
"I assure you, my little one, that I have never before given into your hands such a powerful force of grace, the burning flame of the love of my heart. Ever since the Word became Flesh, I have not undertaken a greater movement than the Flame of Love of my heart who rushes to you. Until now, nothing could blind Satan as much."
(Mary to Elisabeth, 08.01.1962. Spiritual Diary)