Intercessory prayer - a special tool in God's hands. The term " effect of grace" is not at all coincidental, although it may at first sound like an unnecessary euphemism. We, by allowing divine grace to work in us, allow God to work in us, "as it were, to come alive in us", so that the presence of Christ becomes a close experience for others through us. The presence of God and the presence of Satan are mutually exclusive (by definition, Satan is the absence of God), evil becomes powerless, according to the Journal - Satan is blinded. In other words, the light within us obliterates the darkness around others, whether they like it or not, they see more clearly. Although the person may not yet be open to grace, we help them to see. God must respect free will. But we human creatures are not bound by the same divine rule. We can feel the impact of the presence of grace with our fellow human beings, respecting free will does not apply to our interactions with our fellow human beings. composed for me the whole intercession is that extra help, and I like to think of it as "God's Holy Trick".